Everything Here Wants To Eat You

Grizwald Grim
2 min readAug 26, 2021

Welcome to Life.

You’re seeing a contrast
of luminosity and its lack
arranged in familiar patterns
recognized as referent
of patterns of sound vibrations
that reference complexes of abstractions
that unfold within your mind
and establish a resonant rhythm
with perchance a feeling conveyed
of having stood beneath
the same clouded symbols

It gets more complex from there!

However, I have for you today my friend some of the greatest news you’ve ever abstracted from a set of symbols delivered over the electron-slave network!

If you understand these core principles of existence on the prime material plane and keep them close at hand, you’ll reduce your dupe-likelihood by 42% when encountering grifters, con-artists and other market manipulation tricks and tactics!

Life is Light

Our cultural reference points for Life’s opposite are most oft cold and dark, because Light is Life. The plants eat it, we eat them. Life is the thing that gets one over on Entropy and Darkness by eating itself constantly.

Welcome to Life.
Everything is eating you.

You reading these words is Medium eating your life. You reading these words is me eating your life. Because of the human time and attention you spend here, having these thoughts and imaginal cues I’ve arranged for you sequentially unfold in your mind, you have entered my imaginal containment.

By trapping my life force, my time and focused will and attention, I offer you both titillation of reprieve from your internal peanut gallery, as your “reading voice” persona steps forward and silences the rest.

So as we ride the comet of time across the galaxy destined for eventual heat death, we eat each other, we laugh together and we shine what light we can into the ever encroaching darkness — because we are Life, and when we can, we shine through.



Grizwald Grim

This guy has a YouTube channel, tweets, and writes stuff on Medium and Substack