Digital Sharecropping and ME!!

Grizwald Grim
3 min readJan 12, 2021


I suppose I should start by disclaiming that the YouTube channel I claimed association with last week has made the executive decision to disavow my viewpoints, at least internally. So, consider me disassociated henceforth, if you don’t mind.

You know, my views represent my views, I’m just seeing how true I can be and make it in this world of yours.

As a formerly suicidal ideation type of guy, I’ve never particularly liked it here and I figured out long ago we were all going to the same place. Took me quite a while to find a reason to invest in the game though, couple decades at that.

I mean, ultimately it’s the old cliché about how you play. This is all the integrity I can muster.

So, onto the digital sharecropping bit. I recognized a ways back, and I like talking about it here because Medium is pretty up front about it (you put it behind the paywall, we’ll cut you in), that any sort of content creation that was going to reach eyeballs, would be on someone else’s digital land.

It’s not exactly that up front on YouTube. It’s more — you hold enough eyeballs for long enough, we’ll cut you in a little on the commercials. Do well enough and we’ll let you have 70% of the SuperChats people “buy” to be heard by you. That ego will cost you, always.

Sharecropping is a farmer thing. You grow stuff on his land, he gets a percent for letting you use it. I found similar things in strip clubs and hair salons, landlords letting you work their territory, like here.

The digital sharecropping thing is coming to a head, what with the last white male career climaxing with a raid on the Capitol and all. The resulting backlash against where the vile hon-Caucasian terrorists were obtaining their funding hit the Big Bear of Beartaria hisself, Muslim Supremacist, Owen Benjamin. The DLIve Landlords have to protect their own reputation, and WrongThink is a thing now.

I’d been following him, since Rogan tried to reel him in with a coked-out Metzger (as I recall it, as just a viewer). He went Truther for a while, and finally got kicked off of YouTube when he started point to the lineage of the executives…

The Memory Hole is a Thing now too. There are less than sane notions that dance in my head, such like the reason they made us all read 1984 was to TomorrowLand us into it... Much like we’ll find out about kindles and books if we get the right solar flare, things are disappearing from what we thought was our extended memory. UsTube. It was ThemTube allalong, all the platforms are, OMG OMG OMG.

Relax, you still wind up in the same place. It’s about how you play.

So, I figure my days are numbered on most platforms. I think the scattering, the division, the silencing will continue. I figure pessimist Cassandra Complex weirdos always want to be wrong.

Here’s what’s worth being silenced for:
- They say there’s a rover on Mars, and there’s also a Face. Figure out who’s lying.
- That Antarctica Penguin Protector stuff is total BS, and wtf does John Kerry keep going there for?
- You know how they have State-Run Media in Communist Countries, but we totally have two here… I mean, have free independent press here?
- We were people with feelings too.



Grizwald Grim

This guy has a YouTube channel, tweets, and writes stuff on Medium and Substack